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 Welcome to Biological Principles, Simplified! Are you in need of help or just want to learn biology? Maybe you want to surprise your biology teacher with concepts that only an AP bio kid would know (and possibly become their favorite, smartest student?) Congrats, you're in the right place :) I try to simplify biological concepts here, with pictures to improve comprehension. In later posts, I might go deeper than a normal biology curriculum would go or introduce a topic not even in the biology curriculum. Everything will build on previous posts so if it's ever too complicated, go back to the last post and try to fully grasp everything. Of course, you can always leave a comment! I'll try to respond within a day, and most definitely within a few days.       If you ever see this guy: That means stop scrolling! The answer to a problem will be below this lovely monkey. Try to figure out the answer before scrolling to test your understanding (it might be the answer to a riddle or
Recent posts

Cells and Their Organelles: 4) Tonicity

 Tonicity Tonicity is the ability of a surrounding solution to cause a cell to gain or lose water.  A hypotonic solution refers to a solution that, when surrounding a cell, causes the cell to gain water.  This is because there is more solute inside the cell than outside the cell. In Greek, 'hypo' means less. Since there are more solutes inside the cell than outside, water will move into  the cell. A hypertonic   solution refers to a solution that, when surrounded a cell, causes the cell to lose water.  This is because there is less solute inside the cell than outside the cell. In Greek, "hyper" means more. Since there are more solutes outside the cell than inside, water will move out of the cell. An isotonic   solution refers to a solution that, when surrounding a cell, doesn't induce any change in the water content of the solution or cell. This is because there are equal amounts of solute inside and outside the cell, so there will be no net movement of wate

Cells and Their Organelles: 3) Transport

 Transport There are two types of transport that occur between cells: passive and active transport.  Passive Transport -  Molecules naturally move from an area of high concentration to low concentration. This does not use energy. There are 3 types of passive transport: simple diffusion , facilitated diffusion , and osmosis .      - Simple Diffusion: Small and nonpolar molecules more from an area of high to low concentration. If there is more than one solute, then those solutes will be equally distributed across a membrane. These molecules will be able to easily pass through the membrane, which is why it's called simple diffusion: nothing is needed to help it pass through.       - Facilitated Diffusion: Polar molecules and ions impeded by the bilayer of the membrane are diffused passively with the help of transport proteins spanning the membrane. Diffusion will occur through protein channels. Again, it moves from high concentration to low concentration. If a large amount of glucose

Math Equations in Biology 1) Surface Area to Volume Ratio

 Surface Area to Volume Ratio This is a very short lesson on a bit of math you'll encounter in biology, but it's fairly important.  Remember how the mitochondrion has a double membrane? Here's a simplified drawing of the mitochondrion.  In the Electron Transfer Chain (ETC), ATP energy is created. It is found in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.  Compare these two pictures: which one has more ETCs? The wrinkled mitochondrion has more ETCs, which means it can produce more energy. More energy means the cell will be more successful. Notice that the wrinkled mitochondrion has more membrane than the rounded mitochondrion - if we were to stretch the inner membrane until it was flat and without wrinkles, there would be much more membrane.  This idea, that more membrane equals more ETCs, can be exhibited by the Surface Area to Volume Ratio. More membrane per volume means a higher surface area to volume ratio (6 units^2 SA: 1 unit^3 V) (so, more wrinkled). A lower surface area

Cells and Their Organelles: 2) Junctions and Communication

 Junctions and Communication Cells are packed very tightly next to each other inside living organisms. If you've ever seen an onion cell under a microscope, you'd see the plant cells all right next to each other. There are practically no gaps between cells. In the images below, each rectangular shape is a cell. The purple color is due to staining (adding color) so it's more visible.  In order to pass information between cells, as well as things like ions and molecules, cells need a way of communication. This comes in the form of junctions . Junctions can be 'seams' or 'gaps' between cells that either increase or decrease communication and allow for the passage of molecules.  Plasmodesmata - found only in plant cells. Has a small channel that directly connects the cytoplasm of neighboring plant cells via traversing the cell wall. Its goal is to move water, nutrients, and other molecules between cells. It increases communication  because molecules, solutes, an

Cells and Their Organelles: 1) Cell Organelles

 Cell Organelles The cell is the most basic functional and structural unit of life. It is incredibly tiny - 7 to 8 cells could fit in the width of a single strand of hair! Cells make up everything in us, from our fingernails to tissues and organs.  Some organisms are made up of just one cell and called unicellular (one-cell) organisms. Other organisms, like us humans, have trillions of cells in our bodies. The largest creature on earth, the blue whale, has approximately 100 quadrillion cells.  A cell is like a water ballon in that it holds water (and many other molecules and structures) inside of it.  There are three domains of organisms generally agreed upon: prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and bacteria. I shall mainly focus on prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  Prokaryotes are microscopic organisms belonging to the domains Bacteria and Archaea. They look like the character Plankton from SpongeBob - like a capsule with antennae.  Eukaryotes are organisms belonging to the domain Eukarya and include

Basics of Biochemistry: 4) Structure and function of Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids

Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids This lesson will go over carbohydrates (sugars), lipids (fats), and nucleic acids (proteins).  Carbohydrates :   - Composition:  C, H, and O.  - Function : Quick energy (glucose), energy storage (starch, glycogen), structural materials (cellulose).  - Types of carbs: S imple and complex sugars.  Simple Sugars   Provide the body with quick energy.       - Monosaccharides (monomers):  1 monomer of sugar (mono-saccharide = one-sugar).          - Glucose            - Fructose            - Galactose       - Disaccharides (oligomers - usually means 2 to 10 monomers, not yet a polymer):  2 monomers of sugar (di-saccharide = two-sugar). Linked by glycosidic bonds.            - Sucrose (Glucose + fructose)           - Lactose (Glucose + galactose)           - Maltose (Glucose + glucose)  Complex Sugars   Energy storage, cell structure.       - Polysaccharides (polymers): Many monomers (usually more than 10) of sugar (poly-saccharide = many-sugar). Linked